Today we caught up with National Account Manager Karen Byrne – to talk about her food heaven, her role at Classic Cusine and what the biggest challenges facing the foodservice sector are.
Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today Karen. What’s your role at Classic Cuisine and how long have you been part of the team?
I’ve been with Classic Cuisine for six and a half years. It’s gone really quickly! In that time the business has changed a lot to reflect the evolution of consumer diets. My role is National Account Manager.
You mention that the business has changed in the time you’ve been with Classic, what do you think has been the biggest change?
Without a doubt the decision to reduce the meat range. We predicated and anticipated future demand for plant based products quite early on. A focus on gluten free dishes was another major change for the business. The foodservice sector is no different from any other, if you lose touch with the wants and needs of customers – you won’t survive long! I do think this is especially prevalent in the food and drink industry though. It moves quickly and trends can come and go, the key is understanding which ones will stick and have longevity.
What is your professional background?
I trained at catering college so I’ve always had a strong interest in food. I then went on to hotel management and then sales.
What’s your biggest source of inspiration for new dish ideas?
It’s usually something that catches my eye to be honest. I take inspiration from everyday life, that’s how I get ideas. Something beautiful to look at like petals or soft colours can spark inspiration.I find that I have ideas for new desserts most often. They’re sometimes a bit quirky!
Do you have a food hero?
I adore Mary Berry. The main reason is that I bought her cookbook more than 30 years ago when my boys were very small, it holds a lot of nostalgia for me. The book was called ‘Feed your family The Healthier Way’. I was younger and raising a family and money was tight so I cooked everything from scratch.
What do you think the biggest issue the foodservice sector currently faces/will face in the future?
There’s so much uncertainty about the future at the moment. Not only the political landscape and the unknowns but the impact on the high street. There’s less footfall in restaurants, which is certainly a challenge. Consumer habits are also changing fast, staying ahead of trends is trickier than it has ever been in the past.
In terms of trends do you have any predictions for the future?
Plant based everything! But I can only speak from my own experience in the industry.
Are there any food trends that you love or hate?
I love the plant based trends and the growing mindset that it doesn’t need to be a meat substitute. It’s now become an option in its own right, not second best. I’m really on board with it – flavoursome, wholesome, healthy and environmentally friendly!
You have one last meal on earth, what do you choose? (3 courses).
My choice would naturally be very Lancashire-esq, (Karen is from Lancashire!).
Starter: Black pudding stack.
Main: Holland’s potato pie with mushy peas.
Dessert: Custard tart.
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Thanks to Karen Byrne for taking the time to talk to us.